Sunday, December 27, 2009

[Titanaircraft] Re: Jabiru 3300 on a Titan 1

--- In, <sgbounds@...> wrote:
> I just did some DD on the Jab 3300 turbo subject. There was a defense contractor in Australia that added twin turbos and fuel injection to a 3300 and ended up with approx 200 h.p.
> There are two types of fuel injection systems being played around with by fliers with the 3300. One is a "rail" type with individual injectors for each cylinder, and the other is a throttle body similar to what was used on vehicles in the late '80s. The throttle body is the cheapest and simplest system, so they say. Easier starting, smoother idle, smoother, but stronger acceleration of the engine + better fuel economy.
> Now, if only Jabiru would latch on to one of the fuel injection systems and make it a standard item..........
> I had a fuel injection on my plane with a ----- engine with BMW fuel injection. When the charging systen goes out and the voltage drops to 10.2V the computer quits, as does your fuel injection. The thing that takes lots of power is the fuel pump which has to put out 40+ lbs. of pressure. Believe me the battery doesn't last very long with no charge going into it! Well I made it back to the airfield but by the skin of my teeth!
No more computer controlled fuel injection for me.
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