I'm having problems seeing the photos in the photo section. They say they
are working on the problem, so I don't know if these will show.
From: Titanaircraft@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Titanaircraft@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of ls78705
Sent: 14 December 2009 06:01 PM
To: Titanaircraft@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Titanaircraft] Re: SLSA for IFR?
--- In Titanaircraft@ <mailto:Titanaircraft%40yahoogroups.com>
yahoogroups.com, "daleandee" <daleandee@...> wrote:
> Beautiful Titan that Ken has. I was trying to remember who it was that
> had an AP in their plane. Didn't Jose have one also? Maybe not, but it
> seems there were a few talking about them not too long ago.
> As far as APs in light sport planes go, a pilot named Phil Simon
> landed a Sonex in all 48 states. Took him a few trips to do it. He
> says that having a wing leveler was a true blessing!
Well in the conditions I flew in yesterday, I guess if I had to do that for
an hour an AP might come in handy. Can you say altimeter 29.78 and dropping,
14G17 on landing.... ;)
> Light Sport aircraft have really come a long way eh?
In cost, yes, especially if you install an AP..... blech... But serious,
again I stand corrected - I didn't think there was an easy way to hook up
the servos. Even in my SS it's tight in there and I didn't see a convenient
place to put them.
Div, at your convenience could you post some photos of your installation?
I'd be curious to see how you got it in there.
I guess it's my ultralight background that makes me want as simple a plane
as possible. JD did this one exactly right - an ASI, EIS, compass, gas guage
and that's it. Apart from that it's a stick-n-rudder airplane....
The only other piece of gear I'm considering putting in it, like I said is a
transponder and that's generally only for safety reasons. Being in the ATC
system on a trip gives a lot of warm fuzzies.....
> Dale
> N28YD
> --- In Titanaircraft@ <mailto:Titanaircraft%40yahoogroups.com>
yahoogroups.com, guy truex <airbosss@> wrote:
> > I don't know if Ken Korenek is still in this group, but he has an
> > autopilot on his S model. The plane won grand champion at Oshkosh
> > one year and the installation was very clean. He flew all over the
> > US on AP. Ken?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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