> "you'll very quickly abandon doing the routine maintenance just to stay
> out of the sun and heat."
> Sun and heat?
> Depends on what part of the globe!
> For me, it's cold and snow. But, yes, you'll want to hangar it.
Well he said he was in GA, which is always hot and humid so ;)...
Here in northern NM it's the blazing sun more than anything. Due to the altitude (7000'MSL) that's more than a mile of atmosphere that's not between you and the sun so it's like a nuclear weapon pretty much all the time ;).
> PS - I will have a always-hangared (except for occasional overnight
> trips) IIS up for sale within a few months...but nowhere near you. I'm
> in VT.
> - looking forward to first 40 below winter in years...
I've seen pictures of yours I believe on barnstormers... that's a very pretty plane for sure and I'm sure a good deal.....
> ls78705 wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In Titanaircraft@yahoogroups.com
> > <mailto:Titanaircraft%40yahoogroups.com>, "beberle1@"
> > <beberle1@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been reading this group's posts for the last 3 hours.
> > Information overload! ;-)
> > > I'm 5'10" and 220lbs, will I fit in the front of a standard Tornado
> > II? Is that referred to the IID? My wife is 5'5"/130 and will be the
> > occassional passenger. Gross weight looks good, jumper seat isn't
> > ideal, but the trips we're looking at are under 11/2 hours.
> > > Why the II, because they're more abundant and cheaper than the S/SS
> > right now. Does anyone tie-down their Tornado? To keep inital costs
> > down, I'm looking at tying down for the 1st 2 years (with engine and
> > canopy covers). This is my 1st potential aircraft purchase. Trying to
> > keep ownership costs reasonable and still enjoy flying (besides hang
> > gliding).
> > > Primary destination would be a 2,600ft grass strip/LZ where I hang
> > glide. From what I've read, that's plenty of room at 1000MSL.
> > > Other contender is the Kolb MKIII Extra. I like the cockpit layout
> > better, but the speed and ruggedness of the Tornado are attractive.
> > > Any Tornado owners in the Newnan, GA (South Atlanta) area? Advice?
> > Comments?
> > >
> > > take care,
> > > Brian
> > >
> >
> > Hi Brian,
> >
> > I agree - don't let her sit in the back seat of an S or worse an SS ;).
> > But you're right in that the regular II models are more plentiful and
> > the cost is pretty reasonable. But I'd still say if you're going to
> > fly dual for any significant amount of time you're really going to
> > want at least an S model. The SS is positively luxurious both in front
> > and back, but yes you're looking at a fair bit more cash for that.
> >
> > I would very strongly recommend not keeping the plane outside. The
> > heat, wind, sun and humidity will basically ruin the plane in short
> > order (walk around on your local ramp and look at the planes that
> > normally live outside and you'll see what I mean).
> > Working on the plane out on the ramp is absolutely miserable also and
> > you'll very quickly abandon doing the routine maintenance just to stay
> > out of the sun and heat.
> >
> > Overall, it's cheaper in the long run to go ahead and pay the
> > exorbitant rent and hangar it, even if you have to keep it in a
> > community hangar or share one or something like that.
> >
> > As for the MarkIII, I'm also a Kolb fan and the MarkIII is a superb
> > plane to consider too, especially for the folding wing option. This
> > would allow you to more easily share a hangar and keep the fixed costs
> > down. You could also trailer it, etc. It's a good heavy-lifter so it's
> > great for flying dual.
> >
> > But in terms of flying, the titan is a little faster and has
> > significantly more control authority (the most important consideration
> > besides a good view for me).
> >
> > Anyway, good luck and have fun,
> >
> > LS
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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