I'm located in Santa Ynez (KIZA), just to the northwest of Santa Barbara, and east of Vandenberg AFB on the Central Coast. I'm a FORMER CFI with a Titan Tornado IISS, the largest and most spacious of the Titan line. Although I have extensive experience in the Tornado including a delivery flight from coast to coast, my cfi ticket has expired. I've received a number of requests for sport instruction and I am preparing to renew my ticket, however it won't be within the next several weeks.
If your insurance company is willing to consider instruction from an experienced Tornado pilot (as mine did) I'll be happy to help.
A number of the more experienced Titan fliers on this list are familiar with me and can provide information on my flying skills.
If you'd like more information please contact me off list.
Blue Skies,
Robert "Captain Bob" Perry
Tornado IISS 899HC
Buellton, CA
805 705-3672
--- In Titanaircraft@yahoogroups.com, "n2axz" <dfern1@...> wrote:
> I'm looking for a CFI who is available to give me 5 hours of flight instruction time in a Tornado II ---- this is required by my insurance company. Thanks for all the help!
> David
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