Sunday, November 1, 2009

[Titanaircraft] Re: Titan characteristics

--- In, "v2twin" <v2twin@...> wrote:
> So a fresh 582 wouldn't tote the load either?

Don't mean to jump in again, but if the 618 wouldn't do it, the 582 won't for sure... The 582 is a 65hp motor, 10hp less than the 618 was and only slightly less overall weight (only about 10 or so lbs lighter).

The best general rule of thumb is, if you're planning on dual ops, just go ahead and budget for at least the Jab 2200. The 912ULS and Jab 3300 on at least an S model are probably really where you want to end up.

For solo only, tho, the size and cost of course drop significantly.....


> --- In, "motionaero2" <mgpanos@> wrote:
> >
> > I know how tempting it is to go with a 503-powered T2 as there are many out there that are very reasonabley priced. However, that should be the clue, too. The 503-powered T2 is at best a 2-seat plane on very cool days (less than 60), low altitude and with standard size or less people. As someone else mentioned, you will be at or very near WOT the whole flight, just because you need the hp to move the weight.
> >
> > Kimberly and I had a 618-powered T2 (the 618 was a 75hp version of the 582) and while it was fun to fly, it was only a 2-seater on days of under 70 degress. Any warmer than that and we had a very long takeoff roll and a shallow climb. We converted that some plane to a Jabiru 2200 and that resulted in a very fun plane to fly. Flying solo with the 618, I would see 500fpm climb (5000msl and a gravity-challenged pilot) and a cruise speed of 90-92 indicated. With the Jabiru 2200, I flew around all the time with the 100mph ASI pegged at over 100, and the climb was in the 900fpm range. Using an GPS and triangulating, I found the cruise speed at 2900 rpm was at or over 110 mph.
> >
> > Get a Jabiru 2200 or 3300 or Rotax 912s. Or, if you buy a 503-powered one, plan to convert to a Jabiru 2200.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >
> > --- In, "v2twin" <v2twin@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for the replies so far, very helpful. I've been flying a Piper Arrow 200 for the last few years, before that a number of Cherokees although I have owned three Ercoupes and three Tri-Pacers (all glide like a brick), soled a Cessna 182 and 310D on my 16th birthday, so I don't think the responsiveness of the Titan over the Challenger would be an issue. I fly off a 2500 ft grass strip in North Ga at about 1500 ft elevation. I think I am narrowing in on the Titan II, but not the stretch or SS model. I see a number of these equipped with the 503. Is that enough motor to carry two pax off a field like this?
> > >
> >


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